Your all-in-one system for information efficiency, high performance, and clarity in life

 Streamline your personal knowledge management, productivity, and life design with Obsidian

Used by 700+ entrepreneurs, knowledge workers, creatives, and self-learners

This beautiful, messy graph is my second 🧠 in Obsidian.

My 5000+ notes in Obsidian

Upon first glance, this web of 3000+ notes might look chaotic and overwhelming.

At least, that's what I also initially thought when first seeing other people's graphs and Obsidian setups.

This was until I realized the potential of digital tools and systems for enhancing our lives, for turning such chaos into meaning and clarity.

For the past three years I've spent thousands of hours learning, using, and customizing Obsidian to create a life operating system to help me with:

  • Life design for intentionally creating and working towards a fulfilling life
  • Productivity to plan and accomplish what matters most across different areas of my life
  • Personal knowledge management to compound my knowledge, nurture my curiosities, and overcome information overwhelm

Thanks to the culmination of learnings from books, resources, and thought leaders, I've synthesized their fundamental principles to create an all-in-one system that lets me freely follow my passions, explore my curiosities, and cultivate my ideal life.

Some of the most prominent influences include:

  • Building a Second Brain 🧠 by Tiago Forte for efficiently retrieving relevant information to support my actions and goals
  • How to Take Smart Notes 🕸️ by Sonke Ahrens for compounding my learnings across different resources and domains
  • Linking Your Thinking 🌌 by Nick Milo for growing my own creative ideas and insights
  • Feel-Good Productivity 🤩 by Ali Abdaal for having a joyful and holistic approach to productivity
  • Pipelines Pillars Vaults ⚙️ by August Bradley for life design and systems thinking
  • High Performance Habits 💪 by Brendon Burchard for insightful daily and weekly reflection prompts
  • Getting Things Done ✅ by David Allen for managing my obligations across different timeframes
  • Slow Productivity 🎯 by Cal Newport for prioritizing what matters
  • Make Time ⏰ by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky for effective daily management
  • The 12 Week Year 📆 for systematically breaking down my quarterly goals for execution

But as much as my digital systems help me now, this wasn't always the case.

Prior to my learnings and setup, I was just another 17 year old overwhelmed during my transition into adult life.

I was uncertain about who I was and what I wanted to do in the future.

Sure I finished my assignments on time and got good grades, but it wasn't coming from a place of purpose or passion that felt aligned with my values.

To cope from the stress and uncertainty, I distracted myself by playing games for up to 16 hours a day with no major direction in life.

My information organization techniques were a source of frustration, hindering rather than aiding my learning.

My binder for school notes was a mess of wasted efforts. I would just copy what was shown on slides, and would unsurprisingly not understand what I wrote.

I couldn't find information when I needed it most for upcoming projects or essays in my unstructured Google documents.

Crucial takeaways and insights from content I consumed were eventually forgotten, resulting in shallow learning—I was starting at square one every time, with no foundation to compound my knowledge and apply it.

This was until I started building my second brain in Obsidian.

As I learned from my own experimentations, I began sharing my workflows on Youtube.

Receiving feedback from my own experimentations, comments on my videos, and customers, I refined them for practicality.

Slowly but surely, my feelings of uncertainty and chaos turned into clarity.

Now, my ever-evolving galaxy of knowledge and experiences will continue to grow and serve me for my lifetime.

No matter the new challenge or goal,  Obsidian became my playground for transforming the overwhelming amount of information online into exploring my diverse endeavors.

Within my first two years of use it's helped me with:

  • Self-learn web development to land my first coding internship within my first year of university and another one at a Global 500 company, years before my peers
  • Create content and systems to grow my YouTube channel to 9k subscribers and share my learnings in a weekly newsletter
  • Achieve a 4.07 GPA in my first semester of university across different subjects despite worrying and studying less than my classmates
  • Compound my ideas and discover unique insights from 50+ books and countless resources to change my worldview and apply what I learn
  • Explore my emotions, grow my collection of memorable stories, and appreciate accomplishments through my daily and periodic journaling habits
  • Feel purposeful by aligning my everyday tasks -> weekly projects -> monthly/quarterly goals -> yearly vision -> personal values during my periodic reviews
  • Learn countless skills like Obsidian, building an online brand, and creating digital products to share my Obsidian setup with others who want to set up similar systems ;)

From my personal to professional life, it's been the foundation for accelerating my learning and growth.

But of course, this is my own personal story, and you have your own reasons for being interested in mastering Obsidian.

The real question is...

Will it be useful for you?

Some of the 700+ second brain enthusiasts who use this vault include:

  • High performers needing productivity systems for managing their busy personal and work life
  • Knowledge workers needing accessible notes and practical workflows for consistently delivering in their responsibilities
  • Multi-passionate self-learners building an interconnected web of concepts and skills that will compound throughout their life
  • Creators transforming their knowledge and experiences into unique insights to share their ideas and express their inner world
  • Self-improvement enthusiasts needing clarity during their own personal journey to discover their full potential

If you:

  • Don’t know how to start learning and using Obsidian for life design, personal knowledge management, and productivity
  • Align your daily actions with your long-term aspirations to consistently work towards your desired life
  • Feel overwhelmed trying to manage and organize all the information in your life
  • Want to effectively use your notes to understand the world, create, or achieve your goals
  • Want to have a ready-to-use vault capable of extreme customization

Then the Ultimate Starter Vault is for you.

Unlike other creator courses or products, I believe information should be free. Value comes not from knowing something, but from the relevant application to your unique needs.

So to promote transparency and accessibility, I have made the USV's documentation and learning resources publicly available in my online published notes.

This includes all my notes and videos related to:

  • The holistic system and it's foundational philosophies and inspirations
  • The parts of the vault; how they integrate and can be used
  • How I actually use the workflows with checklists and walkthrough examples

Not only will you see the resources, you will also get to see how I ACTUALLY use the vault in it's entirety and on a daily basis since it's synced directly with my Obsidian vault!

By sharing this detailed overview and example uses, I hope you can better determine whether this system is aligned with your needs.

What can you use it for?

I've been focusing on using and upgrading the vault and unfortunately have limited time to keep my marketing up to date. You can see related notes, usage videos, and up-to-date descriptions for the following features in the documentation!

Capture ideas and resources

  • Quickly take notes using templates for different kinds of content (articles, books, etc)
  • Remember what you consume by integrating highlighting apps like Readwise or Fleeting Notes
  • Grow your ideas from sources by taking conceptual notes in your own words
  • Make time for understanding yourself by recording memories, reflections, and musings
Input note
Area note

Organize information

  • Store notes based on actionability using Tiago Forte's PARA method
  • Build a connected web of ideas by connecting them using the Zettelkasten method
  • Effectively navigate your linked notes and discover new insights using maps of content
  • Have custom note types for any type of information (people, meetings, and more)
  • Streamline your knowledge processing using kanban inspired note workflows
  • Naturally grow your ideas using evergreen notes and the built in greenhouse

Get things done

  • Have your projects and task management systems seamlessly integrated with your knowledge inside Obsidian
  • Plan your goals and keep track of related notes and projects using dashboards
  • See your tasks when you need to do them using context-specific to-do lists and kanban boards
  • Streamline your productivity with the Getting Things Done philosophy with the master tasks list and practical flow charts
  • (Optional) Integrate with 3rd party apps like Google Calendar, Notion, etc., by using Todoist as your main task database
Project note

Powerful daily bullet journalling

  • Stay aligned with your long-term goals by reviewing your vision board
  • Plan your day using high performance prompts and seeing today's tasks
  • Remember habits by automatically generating recurring tasks
  • Record your ideas and feelings using reflective journaling prompts
  • Measure your life by keeping track of habits and statistics
Daily note

Advanced periodic reviews + planners

  • Break down your ideal life for clarity across different timeframes through goal and project notes
  • Reflect and plan weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly using periodic reviews
  • Consistently improve and identify bottlenecks in your life or systems through elaborate self-reflection
  • Be aware of your progress and consistency visually using graphs, summary, and calendar views
Periodic reviews

BONUS: Integrate AI into your Second Brain

  • Turn the internet into your personal assistant by adding ChatGPT inside Obsidian
  • Ask your notes anything to retrieve the most relevant information in your vault no matter how buried using Smart Chat
  • Make connections beyond human capability by letting AI categorize and compare your notes across 1536 dimensions
If you want to learn more about any of these features, you can check out the ever-growing documentation
I'll admit it. If you're coming from a background of only using Google Docs and a basic to-do list, it can be a lot to learn and get used to.
So to help you slowly adopt this new system, I’ve created a 4 module roadmap in the vault to help you understand and practice.

Each step has different tasks that link to notes for you to learn and take action.

Roadmap - The 4 Steps to Mastering Obsidian

The four steps are to:
  1. Learn the essentials of personal knowledge management, productivity, and life management
  2. Learn how to become an Obsidian power-user
  3. Learn the systems, notes and workflows in the vault
  4. Start using the relevant features and workflows yourself and personalize them to your liking

1. Learn personal knowledge management, productivity, and life management

When I first started learning about PKM, I was drowning in foreign terms like Zettelkasten, PARA, Maps of Content, and evergreen notes.

I’ve provided brief summaries to give you the TL;DR and show how they are integrated into the vault. As mentioned earlier, these principles are inspired from resources like:

  • Building a Second Brain 🧠 by Tiago Forte for efficiently retrieving relevant information to support my actions and goals
  • How to Take Smart Notes 🕸️ by Sonke Ahrens for compounding my learnings across different resources and domains
  • Linking Your Thinking 🌌 by Nick Milo for growing my own creative ideas and insights
  • Feel-Good Productivity 🤩 by Ali Abdaal for having a joyful and holistic approach to productivity
  • Pipelines Pillars Vaults ⚙️ by August Bradley for life design and systems thinking
  • High Performance Habits 💪 by Brendon Burchard for insightful daily and weekly reflection prompts
  • Getting Things Done ✅ by David Allen for managing my obligations across different timeframes
  • Slow Productivity 🎯 by Cal Newport for prioritizing what matters
  • Make Time ⏰ by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky for effective daily management
  • The 12 Week Year 📆 for systematically breaking down my quarterly goals for execution

The goal of this step is to help you understand the philosophy and best practices of the vault.

2. Learn Obsidian

You have immense creative freedom with Obsidian to create your desired systems as long as you know how to leverage its features.

In this second step, I share the essential features and plugins I use in my vault.

Learn how I leverage core features like:

  • Obsidian sidebars to display and access relevant information or functionality
  • Hotkeys to save time running important commands

Learn how I use plugins to create and customize this system:

  • Easily create notes anywhere using the command palette and templates
  • Personalize different note types with unique fields and content to accommodate for different information in your life
  • Filter and retrieve relevant notes using searching methods and powerful queries

3. Learn vault features and workflows

Once you understand the theory and the capabilities of Obsidian, it’s time to integrate the plugins and features into daily use.

In this step, you learn about the workflows and use cases of the vault:

  • See how these knowledge management concepts like the PARA method are enhanced and synthesized into one seamless system
  • Understand the different types of notes and workflows in the vault through documentation, example notes, and videos

4. Use the vault

Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.

The vault is feature-rich, so there are a lot of things to try for the first time.

On top of the explanations, I also have example notes you can reference.

By now, you should have the knowledge to create any workflow or structure you need.

Otherwise, what's the point of having a second brain if you can't make it truly yours?

30-Day Refund Guarantee

The price of this will only increase as I continue to learn more about Obsidian and add more powerful features and higher-quality resources.

With life-time updates, you can secure the current price and gain access to all future content, even if I end up changing the lifetime guarantee.

Obsidian was made in mind to last a life-time. This should follow suit.

If the system works for you, it will pay itself back with the creative ideas you’ll curate, projects you’ll finally complete, and hours saved through efficient workflows.


Can I see what's inside the vault?
Can I customize the vault?
How do I know you're trustworthy?
What if I'm not satisfied?
How do I receive future updates?
What if I run into issues or have questions about the vault?
Can't I just learn all of this for free?